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  • Writer's pictureScott Hardy

Building the world

This week im going to focus on building the levels. Using Metroidvania[1] style games im thinking about what I really want my game to say.

The core game loop is to kill monsters -> trade goods -> get upgrades -> get to new locations -> kill monsters again.

Im toying with having randomly generated zones mixed with set areas.

So a person travailing from the forest 1 to plains 1 will have to enter a random zone from a list that just has forest areas, the next area will pull from a random list that has both forest and plain areas, and then the last area has a random list for plain areas before leaving the random zone

The second option is a "push your luck" style of play[2] where better rewards are available as you go deeper into an area that gets harder and players resources are drained.

This second option could really be interesting, by spawning situations that need a certain power up to navigate this could lock away better items to stop the user from gaining high cost items near the start of the game.

[2] Hendriks, M., 2016.Push Your Luck Games | What's In A Game. [online] BoardGameGeek. Available at: <> [Accessed 5 May 2020].

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