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  • Writer's pictureScott Hardy

First ScreenShot

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

So I been listening to lots of GDC talks. In No Time, No Budget, No Problem: Finishing The First Tree David Wehle talks about getting your game out there. The GDC Vault has many more talks than just Wehles about the power of gif's but it's surprising how hard they are to make and look good.

I need to explore the best way to capture and upload this gif. Personally I'm a massive fan of smooth looping gifs, but making them would be even harder.

Perhaps rather than having a true screen capture of real development I should set up environments just for the sake of capturing. Would the time involved in doing this be worth the output of a better gif?

Sure it must be, how many game trailers are out there with the tag [NOT IN-GAME FOOTAGE] across the bottom corner of the screen.

Development is coming along nicely on this project but the core trading mechanic hasn't even started yet. I need to spend this week getting a paper prototype up and going.

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