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  • Writer's pictureScott Hardy

How to choose.

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

In starting my final major project research I need to choose what path I want to take. I have many systems and ideas that I want to demonstrate but showing off the right one is a task indeed.

Started by thinking about each game and placing them into a chart along with a pitch.

Looking at the time and resources I have available I can start removing some of these.

5-Streamer Bait Will be good for a team over 3 years, It will need to be done right if it was going to gain any real critical acclaim. This would be a good project to follow a pipeline like rocket leagues and have a little more experience like midway did when they made NBA jam.

2- Research - After looking at the scope, this is more suited to a doctorate study. While I believe I am capable of conducing the project, the time frame is not suitable.

4 -The kitchen sink is out too, after watching Alejandro Quan-Madrid GCD Talk. I felt that his big project was not up to a standard level I would want to promote for myself. However this can be a nice little project to do in my free time.

7-IP Demo- Like the kitchen sink, I don't feel I can show off MY design skill set. While I could show off level design and other different mechanics this is not something I will be able to demo at REZZ or posterday.


So this leaves

1-Game Dev Bait.

3- Popular Game

6- Combining two Game types

Both number 3&6 fill the same role, taking predefined systems and reinforcing them. Its simple and will have little to no chance of failing. These are the safe bets. But once I am doing this as a living, I will only be making safe bets, should I not take a chance while I can.

The final project will be very hard to pull off. Fully designing a TCG will not just be about how the base game works but involve setting up emergent systems, dealing with first turn advantage, choosing how drop rates of new cards will work and a few other things. This will be quite a rewarding project, but the scope may be far too large. It is not just the programming side, what will be hard enough as it is. But the number of hours will be well over the 400 expected. It also hits on the "live service" that many roles are looking for in designers.


I will outline the idea for these 3 projects in a micro GDD and decide from there.

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