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  • Writer's pictureScott Hardy

Lucas Pope - Personal brands.

So looking at personal brands. Im going to do this look into Lucas Pope one of my personal designer heroes

Now Lucas Pope is who I want to be when I grow up.( I was going to make a joke about being older then him, but dudes 40+ he looks like he is in his mid to late 20s! , this photo is from 2019)

Apart from being an immortal vampire, Pope has made two very Notable games

Papers, Please and Return of the Obra Dinn. When I talk about telling a story via mechanics these are the games I hold the gold standard to.


All of Popes games, that can be seen at , have a M rating or at least aimed at a mature target market. Thats not to say its the same kind of M rating that Doom has, that of blood guns and gore, not to say that these things are not present in his games but they are presented in a much more stoic way. Death in both Papers and Obra Din is not something to be ceibraided but mourned.

Ethos :

Identity :

Pope hasn't a Logo but a simple "Created by Lucas Pope" on the title screen of his games. This is a powerful message to have. Its not about the company he works for, being indie he works alone anyway baring a localisation team, its about himself. He could easily of had a Pope Studios to make him seem more important, but by keeping it about himself he has raised his value as a developer. However, He did have the studio Ratloop and worked with naughtydog at one stage.


Pope has not got a massive online persona but seems nice enough to people he interacts with. Any real statements I can give would be more of a projection on my behalf. What I can say however is how other people treat him, whenever you see him talked about its about how brilliant he is, an Innovation designer and has been referred to as the Shakespeare of games.

He has made me question about what I am doing, Im spending alot of energy to be on social media and the website and this very blog to try and gain some notoriety, but really cutting yourself off from the world and foucing on your projects is where I should be looking.

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