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  • Writer's pictureScott Hardy

Math 0.5 / 1

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Top: Flux Chart, Left: Luxury, Mid:Tech, Right: Basic

Never before have I had to strong-arm math. Maybe its because I haven't really done any math since I helped tutor Carrius for her GCSE's , but it took a while to get my formula how I would like them to work. Even then there is a lot of bodging and forcing to get it to act in-game how I would like. Really Though let's break this down.


Items are a part of a type of item.

Basics; food water salt oxygen. All those things you need to live

Tech: Car parts, computers, Weapons. Things that improve life.

Luxury: Gold, Spices, Silks. Things that are a decadent.

(Trust an English man to say spices are decadent. I will have you know I an unopened pot of star anise in the back of my shelves. Not sure when I got it or what its used for but I own it!)

Each of these uses one of the charts to display how much they are worth from their place of origin IF THE ITEM CANNOT BE BOUGHT LOCALLY

So we can see from our basics chart that if you need to buy food, the further away someone is from food the more they are willing to pay for it. Because without food, you know, they die.

The want of tech drops off the further it is from the place of origin. This is to reflect that you are going to have language and compatibility barriers when using electronics. A sting I still feel now when I remember getting given a copy of Alex Kidd: Miracle World for the master system and not being able to play it on my Megadrive

Where did the man from Catford Market even get a U.S copy of this game?!

Luxury items swing widely. Because of the cost of delivery, the want of these items drop off as they get away from their production, but then suddenly they hit the point of being a show of wealth to own them.


Is much simpler to understand. Items change in price over time, they will move towards one way or the other some items. Items are given a starting value and then they are shifted to be worth more or less depending on the item. We use a mix of different bell charts here

  • output [highest 2 of 4d6] + [highest 2 of 4d6] named " Exta Highshifted"

  • output [highest 4 of 5d6] named "Highshifted"

  • output [lowest 4 of 4d6] named "LowShifted"

  • output [lowest 2 of 5d6] + [lowest 2 of 5d6] named " Exta lowshifted"

  • output [lowest 2 of 4d6] + [highest 2 of 4d6] named "Spikeshifted"

  • output [lowest 1 of 4d6] + [highest 1 of 4d6] + [lowest 1 of 4d6] + [highest 1 of 4d6] named " Extra Spikeshifted"

  • output 4d6 named "Standard"

So using these two numbers we can generate a price for each item at that time. This will be changed even more so based on supply and demand. But I will save that for the next blog post.

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